- Title:
- Preferred Name:
- Home/Permanent Address:
- Current Address:
- Are you permitted to work in your destined location?
- Please specify if visa is required:
- Faculty:
- Degree Type:
- Major:
- Education Type:
Work Experience
- Business Nature:
- Monthly Salary:
Other Information
- Have you been employed by us before?
- your previous position:
- How did you learn about our Summer Internship Program?
Short Questions
- What attracts you to CLSA? What do you want to achieve or learn from the internship?
- What are your career aspirations?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Have you participated in any extracurricular activities and what were your great achievements?
- Do you have any relative(s) (including but not limited to spouse, children, siblings, parents in law, spouse’s siblings, children’s spouses, etc.) currently employed by the CLSA Group and/or its Affiliates/ Subsidiaries?
- your relationship with the person and his/her name